Verkkosivusto on kehitetty 360 LCI Innovaatiotoiminnankehittäminen-hankkeessa 2022-23.

XBit Tornio in English

XBit Tornio is a learning environment and a RDI Partner in building Digital Experience for the purposes of Business, IT and Art.

Lapland UAS’s research, development and innovation (RDI) activities are multidisciplinary and closely linked with teaching. Our teachers and RDI professionals are experts in innovative research and development having extensive experience in business life.

Read more about RDI activities in Lapland UAS…

XBit Tornio is in Digital Solutions multidisciplinary competence group providing training, research and pilots in the implementation of digital state-of-the-art solutions and their utilisation in business, technology development and visual arts.

Business models, strategies and operating methods relying on digital technologies improve the competitiveness of companies and the whole of society.

Read more about the Digital Solutions group…